Translucent Vellum

Nature Print Paper's translucent vellum is an exciting tool to enhance your creativity. You can easily trace your favorite cartoon characters or produce a creation all of your own. Simply draw whatever you wish on the vellum then place your vellum creation directly on top of Nature Print Paper for the exposure process.  Follow the instructions on the Nature Print Paper packaging (or inside for the larger sizes) and you will have a print of your own in no time at all! It is important to note that when printing a vellum creation, the exposure time will be longer than printed on the instructions.  Your imagination is all that's holding you back!

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The Sun Prints it

Our paper produces beautiful, permanent prints from natural or man-made materials. This unique sun-sensitive paper exposes in direct sunlight to create white on blue prints. Flat objects such as leaves, photo negatives, coins, cut-outs, lace, etc., when placed on the paper block the sun and provide the subject for the print. This photographic-like image requires no inks, presses, photo equipment, darkroom, or chemicals. Exposure time is 2-3 minutes, then develop in tapwater in seconds. It's fast, safe and leaves no mess. NaturePrint™ Paper is appropriate for any age group and includes full, simple instructions.

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